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10-Day Rachell Allen's
Success Stories
#RealStories #RealNurses #RealSuccess
"I am happy to let you know that I passed the NCLEX, and am officially RN, BSN! I took my exam on Friday, September 8th at 1:00 pm. After 80 questions, the computer turned blue. To my surprise a pop-up message came up saying I have been selected by NCSBN to participate in a survey for future NCLEX questions, and I should answer additional 20 questions to the best of my knowledge, but are not going to count towards my score. The questions were difficult, but because I became the master of the modules that Rachell Allen provided to us, I was able to navigate through the questions confidently even though the format was very new to me.
I thought NCLEX was going to be just few SATA questions, but to my greatest surprise, 75% of my questions was all SATAs! All throughout my exam and with each question, I can hear my Coaches’ voice echoing “WHO LOVES SATA?” That was one of the most amazing things that happened during the 10-day course! After two weeks of classes with Rachell Allen, I came home with the Coaches’ voices and the modules, dissected the modules and developed confidence in myself. I studied all the concepts by heart, to the point where NCLEX became so easy for me. I walked in to the testing center and took the exam with full confidence and grace. All the answers were found in the modules and lectures that Rachell Allen provided. The Rachell Allen Team prepared their students physically, mentally, emotionally, and most importantly how to be confident.
My advice to the upcoming students: they need to carry the Coaches’ voice with them up to the day of their exam. I literally answered most of the questions hearing my Coaches’ voice through their lectures. I OWE ALL MY SUCCESS TO THE RACHELL ALLEN TEAM! THANK YOU, LONG LIVE RACHELL ALLEN AND GOD BLESS Y’ALL.”

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