"I thank God for His blessings, I finally passed the NCLEX. I was overjoyed knowing that I passed this time. Attending the 35 days boot camp was one of the best decision I made. I have attended several review classes out there but failed.
I didn't retain any thing in mind from the review classes I attended, but when attending Rachell Allen review class, the coaches were amazing. They taught us to be positive (REFOCUS), not just during the boot camp but also in our daily lives. Positive thinking brings out Positive result.
During the boot camp, the coaches taught us to understand the concepts and not to memorize. They made everything simple and clear. We were like a big family during the class and our coaches were our parents.
After the boot camp, I felt that I wasn't ready/confident to take the test, so I attended another 10 days review class. The coaches keep on telling us not to delay our success. So 3 weeks after the review class I took the test. The questions that came out were very familiar and was discussed during the review class. All I studied was the Rachell Allen notes and practice lots of uworld questions. I did not study any other books. I would say that more than 90% questions were from the Rachell Allen notes.
I always keep in mind all the advices that our coaches taught us that in taking the NCLEX, we should have the 3 D's: Determination, burning Desire and Discipline.
So for those who are going to take the NCLEX, never give up in your dreams, because it will come true with your burning desire, clear goal, persistency, discipline and faith. Taking Rachell Allen review class is the best investment that I've made in my life.
Before the test, I prayed and listened to the audio exercise. I did the Victory pose too..I kept reminding myself to "REFOCUS".
"Do not delay your success, be confident and believe in yourself that you can do this".
From the bottom of my heart I want to thank the Rachell Allen team for helping me pass the NCLEX."