Secured Registration Form
June 2 - June 13, 2025
This course will be conducted as an online webinar-style class where the coach will be teaching you in real time, sessions are NOT pre-recorded. Classes are from 9AM-6PM Pacific time. You can join even if you're from another state.
- Personal computer or laptop is recommended
- If PC or laptop is unavailable, you may use your phone or tablet
- Check if your device meets Cisco Webex specifications here: https://help.webex.com/en-US/article/nki3xrq/Webex-Meetings-Suite-System-Requirements
- A working webcam or built-in camera (you are required to be on screen during class for strict monitoring by the academic team)
- Headphones, earphones, airpods should be worn in class at all times
- A space for you to concentrate while the lectures are ongoing, no replays will be provided
- A heart and mind ready to learn and pass the NCLEX!
(Note: You are NOT required to divulge your credit card number.
The information below will be solely used for verification purposes only)
Webinar and Online Learning Access: Terms and Conditions
1. Intellectual Property
Unless otherwise indicated, Rachell Allen Professionals, Inc., owns the copyright for the content presented in the webinar. Webinar events are to be viewed by the registrant ONLY; the content must under no circumstances be recorded or reproduced.
All of the learning materials that will be sent to you are the intellectual property of Rachell Allen Professionals, Inc. The content must not be modified or republished in any way at any time.
Any breach of copyright, including recording the presentation or any unauthorized use or distribution of the material will lead to legal action.
2. Electronic Communications
When you visit Rachell Allen Online Platform or send e-mails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. Therefore, you consent to receiving communications from us electronically as well. We will communicate with you by e-mail or by posting notices on the website/learning portal regarding matters related to the course. However, any legal complaints will not be entertained electronically, but must be done thru a written hard copy and sent thru mail.
3. Confidentiality of User Communications
Rachell Allen will maintain strict confidentiality of all user-related information, which contain personal user information and those which are transmitted directly to Rachell Allen. However, postings done by you within the portal or the webinar, within the access period of the portal and online course, such as the message board (portal) or chat box (webinar), will not be considered as confidential, and Rachell Allen may use and disclose the information contained in such postings (including any ideas, concepts, know-how, or other intellectual property) for any purpose deemed appropriate by Rachell Allen.
4. Data Privacy
Rachell Allen is committed to protect the information of our clients. Together with our learning service provider, we are currently implementing strict measures in terms of data privacy, web, and cloud security. Rest assured that your information will be properly handled and protected.
5. Security Measures
By attending the RACHELL ALLEN ONLINE COURSES, you are agreeing to the following security measures (both in the Live Webinar & Online Portal)
- During the webinar/lectures, students are required to turn on their videos/webcam for strict monitoring of activities during the lectures. If you are not onscreen for 15 minutes, you will be removed from the webinar.
- During the webinar/lectures, students are required to wear headphones or earphones. You may take it off a maximum of 15 minutes only but you have to put them back on afterwards.
- Copy-paste features are disabled.
- Download and Print features (modules and tests) are disabled on the learning portal.
- Print screen feature on desktop or laptop will be deactivated.
- Strong password recommendations will be enforced.
- Log activities of students will be strictly monitored.
- All activities, courses, and exams include an expiration timestamp.
- Whenever the Rachell Allen Team shares a link or shared file URL, that link remains valid for 7 days only. After that, the link cannot be accessed anymore. It's your responsibility to download the files on time.
- Photo verification feature will be activated before taking a module or test - Each learner is required to have their photo taken before the start of the module or test for identity verification.
- After a series of failed logins, your account will be LOCKED.
- Multiple log-ins from the same user is NOT ALLOWED. One device per user only.
- Change of password by the user in a specific period of time is allowed.
- Your location while accessing or undergoing our programs (whether webinar or portal) will be MONITORED.
6. Connectivity
Rachell Allen is NOT LIABLE for any internet-related interruptions that may occur during the webinar session. A technical support team will be available at all times during the webinar/lectures for any technical issues that may arise. They will be closely monitoring ALL ATTENDEES with regard to attendance, behavior and compliance with the rules and participation during the lectures/webinar.
The Cisco Webex app will be used for the webinar session. Each student is responsible for downloading the app on his or her gadget (desktop pc, laptop, tablet or smartphone).
7. Registration
By registering for the webinar, consent is given for application details to be provided to Rachell Allen for monitoring and verification purposes. Your personal data will not be used for any marketing-related activities.
8. Online Learning Materials
Rachell Allen will provide lecture handouts downloadable in PDF format to facilitate a smooth learning experience. You are responsible for printing these out whether at home or through a printing service provider. All webinar-related materials remain a copyright of Rachell Allen Professionals, Inc.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Once you register in any of our courses, we guarantee your slot in the class and may have to turn away others. Therefore, there will be a cancellation fee of $99 applied to ANY cancellation made 31 days or more before the start of the course. NO REFUND shall be given if cancellation is made within 30 Days before the start of the course. NO REFUND shall be given once the student has started attending the course.
Your registration is non-refundable but is transferrable. If for any reason you are not able to attend the course, you may transfer your paid registration to a future date or another person. You will need to send your request to contact@rachellallen.net including your full name and current schedule you're enrolled in.
Please contact your Student Adviser immediately if you have any concerns regarding your schedule -- 323-866-0084 Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM Central time.
Rachell Allen reserves the right to make reasonable changes on the details of the schedule and/or venue. Registered students will be notified as soon as possible if this should occur.
In case the Live Review Course is moved to a later date due to low registration or unforeseen circumstances that are beyond our control, the student has the option to refund in full or attend the next available schedule.
I have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the policies and terms set by Rachell Allen. *required
I certify that the information I will provide herein is accurate and complete, and I agree to notify/update Rachell Allen of any change in any of the information supplied in this form. Rachell Allen shall not be responsible for my failure to update my information. *required
I acknowledge that Rachell Allen does not collect any of my credit/debit card or bank details and will not hold them liable for any dispute in my financial transactions. *required
I agree to be part of Rachell Allen’s mailing list and receive emails regarding marketing and other relevant updates.
Please fill out the required fields on the registration form.